Posts Tagged ‘108’

Drug Church – Paul Walker (2013)

April 24, 2014

Drug Church - Paul Walker (2013)

Pat Kindlon playing metalcore and more? Talk about Christmas Day, mid-May!

Incendiary – Cost of Living (2013)

April 21, 2014

Incendiary - Cost of Living (2013)

incendiaryfront incendiaryback

Quality hardcore/metalcore in an age starving for it. It didn’t seem like that long ago when bands like this dominated the underground scene. A throwback to an age when bands like 108, Warzone, and a youthful Earth Crisis terrorized the world.

‘Blurb Text:
“I’ve been seeking for a way to scratch that ang-chunkular 90s metalcore ‘itch’ for awhile, and boooooy does this longplay do the trick! If you long for a time when dinosaurs, like Vic DiCara and Daryl Taberski, roamed free to terrorize the countryside – then give these gents a shot.”